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Who is Antichrist?

Who is the antichrist?

If you tell someone that we are in the last days, the most common thing you’ll hear from unbelievers is this, “people have been saying that for a long time.”

My response to them is, how long is a long time? What is a long time to God? And did not Christ say that he was going to return? Hebrews 9:28 Christ will appear a second time.

We are at the end, says God, to me! Little me, Heather Wondra who didn’t really ever even study the Bible or believe in end times philosophy whatsoever. God says this is the return of Christ and the mark of the beast is coming soon.

When Christ returns, he will rapture up those who believe and walk with him. Again, I did not believe in this, but God showed me it is in fact true, the rapture of the Church of Christ, those who have open hearts, those who live by God’s commandments is coming and it is coming soon. On March 31, 2023 God told me “it is just under three years away.”

After the rapture, there will be a barrenness of spirit on the earth because God’s spirit lives here THROUGH his people. God lives within us and creates a sense of peace on Earth because we are here. Yes, our very presence, the ones who walk with and through Christ is the presence of the living God on Earth. When we are raptured this will be gone. All peace will be removed from the Earth and there will be a feeling of complete and total desolation to all of the inhabitants.

If you are not ready when the rapture comes, you will not go with God. You will be left behind.

If you are left behind, you will be here for what happens after the rapture. God has shown me that there will be zombies and werwolves. Then will come the rise of the antichrist.

The antichrist has all the powers of Satan. Satan’s powers are the powers of God, separated and individualized into one being. Satan has many angels that followed him on his journey to separation and those angels we call demons. There’s different ranks of demons from high to low. Demons will do Satan’s bidding as he assigns them to do.

In america, the person whom I have seen as antichrist is my pet snake who I have named an eneagram and his name is Kobra Amaba. If you switch the letters around, you’ll discover his true name. I don’t know if he is the antichrist of the world, but he may be. I also believe there are a few possible antichrists in case something happens to one of them, there is back up. I don’t know for sure, these are my assumptions. I know that the Bible talks about the ten kings who will rule over the earth as the horns of the beast, so this person who is to become king of america will definitely be one of those ten horns of the beast.

The antichrist is darkness. Simply because he serves the beast, and the beast serves the dragon, but has been given power in the end. Satan is the dragon and satan sees and feels only himself. He is the epitome of selfishness. He has separated himself from all of creation in order to know his own greatness and achieve praise, and yet he only exists because GOD ALLOWS HIM TO. This was all allowed for a time, satan, his minions, and humanity. As we have as humans fallen in our grace into this experimentation with consciousness. We existed here for a time with Satan.

Satan lives inside of us, in fact he is a part of our very own flesh for so long as we exist in this third dimensional human experiment.

The native Americans put a call out to the cosmos for this experiment to end, for it was going too far. The pain of enslaved humanity was going to become too great in the future and they could see this, so in our past the call was put. This call, called in christ to the earth which allowed the christed grid around the earth to be constructed. Through the sacrifice of christ, earth now had hope beyond the clutches of satan.

In the period of the end times, all of this comes to a head.

When those are are ready to walk with God have left the Earth, the end times really begin. The 144,000 will be returned to the Earth as the warriors of light for the service of God. God has told me at least three times that I am one of these people. These people will be trained and returned in order to assist the humanity that is left on the Earth. We will be saving the souls that we can that still want to be saved. The way for your soul to be saved is that you do not take the mark of the beast. Death is the only way out unless you are lucky enough to live through the tribualtion period.

Based on my visions, understandings, studies, and listening to other prophets I have formulated a vision of what it will be like on earth during the times of the great tribulation.

The earth will be a completely controlled place. The antichrist will have taken position as reigning over the earth and his voice will be the only thing that creates the feeling of peace within the inhabitants. People will feel like he is god because when they hear his voice and look upon him, they will feel the peace that was removed when the rapture happened. He will have great power and authority over all the earth and he will rule by fear. There will be those who don’t want to follow him and hide in the wilderness.

Those who hide will not be able to make fires because the drones will see the smoke and come rushing to find you and kill you.

It will be very very scary times. You will have to be willing to face death if you want to truly be with God in the End.

If you want to be with God, choose now, or at least within the next two and a half years to walk in love. Choose to carry the spirit of God and peace in your heart and you will not have to be here to face the wrath of god and the reign of the antichrist.

Those who are left are facing God’s wrath but God’s wrath was designed for satan and his minions, the fallen angels, not for human beings. Human beings were designed so perfect, we are the living essence of God incarnated and God never intended for us to be here while satan reigns the earth. If you choose to live a joyous life now you can rise with God and ascend to the heavens to live in the 5th dimensional, New Earth. Bible Gateway Revelation 21 :: NIV. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.


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