The Reign of Antichrist
The ascension and the tribulation.
In 2021, I went through a spiritual experience I call awakening to the body of a Christ. This allowed the light to have a receptacle through myself and anyone else on earth who had gained access to these energies. These energies of awakening had become readily available to us all due to the collective need and call for the light. This therefore began the next part of my life's journey. I became a housing place where light can enter. Previous to that during covid and the vaccine wars the light was dwindling and becoming dim upon the whole Earth. The darkness of these times are what led to my awakening.
I am sure there were other people on earth holding this energy, and assisting in it’s birthing point. The more people holding this energy here, the more powerful the light becomes. As soon as one person awakens it becomes like a wildfire.
Yesterday, I felt darkness in the world. I can generally feel now when the forces of darkness are "up to something." I felt that the forces of light and dark were at war with one another. I came home and prayed in a way like my usual intense prayer. I prayed with extreme intensity of joy, humbleness, power, meditation, and visualization to God, The Great I AM within us ALL.
I realized after that prayer and my day yesterday that so long as people who obtain the Christ light are on Earth, this earth will have peace in the midst of the changes that are happening upon it. We have the power of love and prayer and we through Christ have authority over what happens in this world, and that includes authority over the antichrist.
I have seen now who the antichrist is repeatedly. He is someone who will instill a lot of peace in people through his words and voice. He will show himself soon, but he won’t step into power until after the rapture, the ascension of the Christed ones on earth. The rapture is something else that god showed me is yes in fact true. I asked God, is the story of the rapture that all the Christians talk about actually true? God showed me in a dream that night the experience of being raptured. He showed me that after the rapture there will be zombies and werewolves upon the Earth.
Once the beings who hold the Christ light are raptured and taken up to God and transformed, all peace will be removed from the Earth. This is when the dragon, and the beast will hold dominion over the earth. God has told me that this is most likely happening in the beginning of 2026. That is so close, we have all of 2024 and 2025 but then poof its here just like that.
The reason for my writing this is because I have seen the tribulation time, in a snipet in my dreams. I have read others stories of the tribulation that are more detailed, but I have seen a moment of it myself in my dreams.
The world is just not a happy place and even for me being here as one of the 144000 soldiers of light with many others, my spirit is having challenges staying 100% in the light and perfection of God while in such a dark place, Earth.
My reason for writing this is how does this affect all of those people who are uncertain of where they stand for all of this?
The question really is at this point, where do you stand in this story? Are you going to be raptured and ascend with God into your 5D glorified body of light, or are you going to stay in the old earth because you got caught up by the powers of Satan and disillusionment of the world? Really it’s time for us to be honest with ourselves.
If you are not walking with God, 100%, you will either die before the rapture, or you will be here during the reign of the antichrist. He will force everyone to take the mark of the beast and worship him. If you do not, you will be beheaded.
How do you feel knowing this? Do you feel you’re in a good place walking with God? That’s up for you to decide, but I really hope you don’t stay here on earth during the rapture.
The reason for my desire is maybe selfless. First of all, the more the merrier. The more people come up during the rapture, the better for all of us because there will be more joy.
Secondly as one of the 144,000 which God has told me that I am, I will have to come back here to harvest souls who desire to be with God. If you are lucky enough to have your life saved by one of the 144000 warriors of light then you are in good standing during the tribulation, but most people will be beheaded if they don’t take the mark of the beast or they will take the mark.
Those who take the mark are doomed with satan into the lake of fire, essentially, soul death. On some level, some believe it is a regenesis of the soul, where your soul goes back to god without the memories and to be purified, since you didn’t choose god you don’t get to carry the memories of who you are and who you have been back to god.
I truly pray that you are walking with God, or you desire to do so now. If so, ask God forgiveness for things you feel are still plaguing you, turn to your heart which is the love of Christ! This love is so powerful now that it is right there and it will make everyday of your life joyful as can be. Ultimately of course it is up to you, just don't forget that during this last days, this is a battle, a battle to the death, and a battle for souls. Keep your soul in the light of God, and all will be well for you. Blessings and love.