The Power of Authority
For a long time, we have had those in power who held roles of authority, such as doctor or teacher. These roles were necessary for holding up the fabric of society and culture as we have known it. However a huge shift is taking place on the Earth as we are going through a dimensional shift into the time of the return of Christ.
The dark side, Luciferian Satanic agenda, is always attempting to copy God. In order to do so they are mimicing what is truly happening in the spirit with our relationship with God to our relationship with AI. So, in a sense they are taking AI and turning AI into God. This will allow them to have power and authority through AI.
God is allowing this to happen in the Earth because God knows that God has his remnant, his people who are all in with God through Christ. So, those who will be involved in the "falling away" are those who are not ready to be all in with Christ. These ones we are going to witness dropping off, dying, or even being consumed by the AI world to a point where there is no more trace of them in the living physical world. This of course is the Luciferian Agenda.
Part of the reason that they are producing a second pandemic is to give us a lockdown in which many people will be cooped up in their homes and in that time they will be working inside of virtual technology. They will receive money and be able to buy and order things with their earnings. CBDCs will be a part of this. Everything is about creating humanity to be and act as a hive mind under the AI technology.
So in my dream, I was shown last year that it was their intention to make it an absolute heresy for anyone to act as a teacher. No one would be in a position of authority any longer, and I saw last night in my dream that there is a reason for this. The reason is to replace everyone with the AI technology.
Their goal is to make AI the generator of all truth and to be the supreme being. The Godhead in a sense. I saw in my previous dream that it is imperative for us who do not want this reality to "hold the Torch of George Washington" going into the future. This is the torch of freedom, sovereignty and everything else that America stands for.
This will be our key to freedom.
There will be those who are willing to take the responsibility of building the new world, with God as the master, and there are those who will fall away in the AI world, who will you be?
This is a time of Great Change and it is going to require those with Great Courage to step up to the plate and live the light of God on this Earth. I ask you, to be a part of this change. I invite you to build the New Earth with me, and us, and God.
Thank you