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Prophecies of 2022

I started receiving prophecies this year on September 24. Here are all of them. Merry Christmas!


Acts 2:17 “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”

God started talking to me for the first time the morning of September 24, 2022. God told me that I have gained the gift of prophecy and prophecies are to inform me, but not to make me feel fear. God told me that the people of the world would be offered to live inside of virtual reality. God said the whole world can change, but I don’t have to (knowing I don’t want to do that). The government and power structures “are about to erase money as we know it and “create a level playing field financially for everyone.” Younger people would strongly be guided into a world of virtual reality. God told me that he shows me the dreams as guidance and I can share them with others and they can believe, or listen, or choose to not believe. We are all gifted with free will.

God told me that all I have to do to have children is build my blood. God told me not to have fear but have total faith as now God is with me.

God told me that the food sold in grocery stores is not food, and that I need to buy at the farmers market for the best quality food.

October 9,

God showed me building a pre fab house.

October 15,

I dreamt a new plague is coming. But it was not a plague at all but in fact caused by our leaders poisoning us. It was desired by our new societal teachings, that it would be a heresy for anyone to take a position of authority such as a president or teacher. I dreamt that this was their desire: TOTAL CONTROL. Even my normal neighbors were highly concerned. My neighbor asked me if I would be there for him and his family as it seemed our leaders were turning completely against its people. In the dream, to hold the “torch of George Washington” was the way to Freedom.

October 30, Greed diminishes everything rather than growing it.

Nov 1, I spent all day halloween October 31, asking god how to clear greed and how to clear greed out of the future of my own life and all of humanity, God showed me…

God was so excited I asked these questions. God showed me in the future, it truly becomes “God’s kingdom on earth.” People who live in fear or greed, end up trapped in the fake virtual reality of money and life. People who share and live by gods prinicipals become leaders kings and queens of the earth. The earth again becomes green and lush and beautiful. The deserts even become covered in water. Those in America who chose to live by gods true rules, on all levels became the future leaders of earth, including other countries, life became filled with abundance again.

Sharing with love, the opposite of being like scrooge, and hoarding with fear was the way to gods kingdom on earth. Every ounce we share becomes that much more and more. This is how gods kingdom returns to this earth.

Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

November 3

God is very excited to teach me about abundance. When we work for god doing what we love, helping others teaching and loving, god gives us back all that we spend to fulfill the dream, plus more.

November 4,

God explained to me that evil destroys its own kind. It is like when the two bad guys end up killing each other. Evil attracts its own to itself and self destructs.

Mark 8:36 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?

It is useless to work so hard for a living, getting up early and going to bed late, the lord provides for those he loves while they sleep. Psalm

November 15, I asked God where to live, God showed me darkness in New York City and showed me to live somewhere at the line which divided the US in half at the center point horizontally on the map.

November 16, boat of life, once full embodiment of internal male and female is united in self, we gain access to our spirit guides.

November 19.

Dream, the intent of our leaders was to take down the united states by the evening out of the dollar across the entire world. I was in the dream and it was played off as great, but I knew it was not. There were gumball machines with computer chips in them, as well as lots of other things for sale that were totally fake. America was created to always be a living example of that which the rest of the world can be and by creating the level playing field, it did bring America down on some levels. Just like in my dream, if this happened all we can do is love and live by god’s financial principals, selfless giving allows god to give to you.

November 20, I prayed for a dream to teach me how to be more happy and to heal from life’s tragedies, I dreamt that God created us, took the whole universe, put it inside of us, and made us forget. Only so that we could remember when the time was right.

Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world, John 4:4

November 24,

Sang this is the the beginning of the end, the end, this is the beginning of the end, the end this is the beginning this is the beginning this is the beginning of the end! The end! I sang this song over and over and I turned around and everyone in the stadium was standing following and singing and dancing with me. I am a leader of joy.

This was the end of lies, the end of false doctrine, the end of illusion, the end of suffering, the end of pain, the end of sadness Grif and loss, It was the end of it all, it was the beginning of life of truth and joy individually and collectively. This was the letting go of authority outside of self. It was one of the best dreams I’ve ever had.

I dreamt that life is just like the movie The Game, and with this dream, I’ve been shown I was able to pass a huge test and the floodgates have been opened. The test is the ability to see equality within hierarchy. The illusion of hierarchy is that we are all one and we all are serving the whole.

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. Matthew 13:44

November 28

People did not have jobs anymore, they worked inside the computers doing whatever they chose. I was going to be an online psychic. While the dark overlords slowly take over through virtual reality, its more imperative than ever to build real communities based on love, family, and living off the land and sustainable living.

In my fathers house there are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself. That where I am, ye may be also. John 14 2-3

November 30:

God talked to me all night again, he taught me things I never knew, I never knew. Some things made me feel shame. I want to be better. I need to be thankful to others who have helped me and practice selfless giving. Also, did you know that there are souls that die and never go back to the light? They go into darkness because that is what they choose again nd again on earth until a kind woman agrees to birth them and give them another chance. God showed me the person in my family who was a dark soul. It all makes sense now. It was my dad.

For the lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son whom he receives

Heb 12:6

December 1

God told me that this is a good time for everyone to develop personal relationship with God.

December 2

In order to create something, whether it is health or wealth or something specific, we must pretend we already have it. Don’t wait for it to start, start and it will come. Practice child’s play and play pretend with your imagination.

December 3

In Gods eyes we are all one, and a part of God and it is an absolute atrocity to god to harm another, or to even think negatively about another. Even our thoughts go out to all of creation and we are using the powers within the mind of God. God is love and wants us to be like god with each other.

Dec 6 Activate program liberate earth. Changing of the guards,

Liberate earth by liberating self. Become ones own guide, technological frequency control. Given to our rulers by the grays. All things coming to light. Not as it appears. Only way out, love yourself and others, live spontaneously, never be predictable, don’t follow routine, follow your heart. Step away from technology.

December 7

Karma is real, we are born with a divine blueprint and come into the body, intending to balance, all past karma. This is to do right where we once did wrongs from past incarnations. We need to make as many positive actions as we have negative in order to create balance. The trick is that we forget all of this when we are born. I have karma with the grays. It is partly why I was abducted as a child. Maybe I in another timeline assisted in actions that led to their demise.

December 8

Dreaming all the money will go into computer stocks. Crypto currency and a huge monetary shift occurring soon. The trees from the old world had their heads chopped off. I said now my dad can never touch his money. The old world changing into a new world of money. The old world was moved into the computer and made anew. It told me I see this because I live mostly in alignment and joy.

December 10,

God showed me that each race is a perfect seed and creation of some divine aspect of god. God loves everyone, but god believes that keeping our genetics within our race for lineage purposes is in closer alignment to purity and God.

Each race was made perfect by god.

God showed me that god sang a song that broadcasted as light and joy which hit the other side of the world yesterday and our Side was left in the cold so to speak but don’t worry we will hear the song very soon. The third thing god showed me was that god built a fail safe program of some sort into our DNA and our earth so that Gods divine will will transpire.

God showed me two dreams, in the first dream, it was about a world plan to be set in motion within the two weeks before Christmas that would predominantly impact the USA in a negative way. This happened today (December 23) the trillion dollar spending bill that was passed. We are already trillions in debt and it is making the dollar look like water and have no value whatsoever.

The second dream, I was in the streets of New York City, doing a sacred ceremony with the chiefs of different tribal nations who I believe aren’t with the living anymore. It was ancient ceremony for the purpose of bringing light to New York. I was shown that NYC is currently infiltrated with such darkness that God can hardly touch the whole city and God wants to send God’s grace so we need to pray.

December 11

Dream it is easier for me to feel joy than love and that joy is also alignment with God.

December 12:

I was in a courthouse underground in the basement watching a movie with others. I heard the sound of trumpets above and I knew that The sacred fire justice of god had come to a decision’s. I didn’t know about what just the fate of the next part of the chapter on earth.

December 13,

Dream I was a completely transformed person. The next part of life is vastly changed. I am going to become an author, spending most of my time at home in reflection and prayer and was processing these changes. Next part of my life is about god, service to god and charity and sharing and giving through my writings. Website with free information that has helped me through my life.

December 14

Dreamt that the hippie movement is returning.

Dreamt that gold holds its value through every transfer of wealth throughout time.

December 15:

All businesses nit based in charity and giving, especially to their employees are going down, god is allowing this to take place.

If someone was angry with you, their anger or hate can send evil spirits to you. Make amends with everyone you can. Forgive and say sorry.

I have mastered protecting myself from evil spirits and I taught others how to do the same.

December 16,

God showed me the collapse of the old structure. God showed me he she didn’t do this, god merely took a flashlight to the world. Mmuch more will be revealed every day coming. I saw that the leaders knew that it was coming and it was why they acted crazy for two years.

December 17

When you steal from another they will steal from you through eternity throughout time, we are all one.

Morning of December 18, Dreamt of the Elohim singing a song that birthed our whole universe and earth, and that my mom went back to god. My mom was a high level spirit of Elohim origin who became an angel who wanted to be human. She had stayed with me from May 26 to December 18 watching me.

December 19,

I was inhabiting snakeskin that was rotten, time to move on to new identity. Old one is worn out.

December 21, This is the retune of Christ, christ returns through us, through the collective of humanity. Many people were banking on this not occurring, it has to occur. Specifically I saw Abraham hicks, they were banking on it not occurring. God told me that my body is sick and only through Christ I can heal, not the simplistic way Abraham says, through our vibration.

You can’t think your way out of something unless you are with christ, love.

I now have a new spiritual mission It is to save souls. Going out and living my joy. I saw that the dark side was going to do something to cause souls between light and dark to turn dark. It had to do with the take down of the family, and the infiltration of drugs like psilocybin in the streets.

I saw that Alfonso loves me more than he loves anyone on earth.

So you also must be ready because the son of man will come at an hour when you do not expect him. Mathew 24:44


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