Light versus Dark
When I was younger, I thought I was invincible. I thought and truly believed I could conquer the world with my light and joy. I thought that all it would take was a smile on my cute face, and the world would be transformed.
I know now that I was wrong. That smile, that cute young bushy tailed Heather, well Father Time plus the truth of my delusions, showed me the truth. Over time, the people that could not stand my smile challenged me. The people who wanted what they wanted from me, and I was willing to give in, would not give up. The world raped my joy and I allowed it.
This is the dark side of Heather. The dark side of Heather has allowed her soul to be used and abused by this world to the point that Heather herself wanted to give up.
Yet, now I know the truth. I know that darkness lives and walks upon this Earth, the forces that were here long before I was born and have established a power that is yet to be reckoned with. Darkness will consume you. It will try to Rob you of your soul. If you are not careful it will do just that.
But light is another force all together. Light is the power of the sun. Light breathes life into you. And this is the battle that has existed upon this planet for many years.
Light in and of itself will blind and burn you. It's true power cannot even be contained in the human body. Light is so powerful that if not used properly it can also destroy everything in its path. Everything has a place and time. A grand perfection.
The time of darkness upon this planet has and is coming to an end. A grand ending as we are experiencing upon the earth now. It is giving its last attempts to grace the stage of earth before its final days. Yes the darkness will take many souls but it will most definitely not take mine and I hope too that it will not take yours.
For all that is needed in your being is your true divine heart and your own personal awareness. With these two forces of truth you become a true spiritual warrior. Let us rise to this occasion in grand knowing that amongst all the darkness that has plagued this planet, the light is truly and has truly won this battle.