Extraterrestrial Influences on Earth
Extraterrestrial ruling the planet, sounds rather crazy to most "normal" people in the recent past, but right now, doesn't it feel like anything is possible?
After what we experienced collectively with Covid and the lockdowns and all that encompassed, doesn't it feel like there might be more going on than meets the eye?
So, I have been studying extraterrestrial influences on Earth for about 17 years, but recently, I have delved deeper into the midst.
I am going to write about the basic most commonly discussed extraterrestrials that we know of on a global scale in the underground circles of believers. These races include, but are not limited to, The Reptillians, The Draconians, The Annunaki, the Grey (many different versions of them), and the Pleiadians. Some of these extraterrestrials are benevolent and some are malevolent and, within each faction of them there are both "good and bad."
This can get confusing so I am going to break it down!
Starting off with The Annunaki. This one is a little easier to describe because I know less on them.
They came from another planet called Nibiru. They had created a lot of havoc and wars on their own planet which led to the diminishment of the atmosphere. When their planets atmosphere began to diminish, the planet became too hot when they were closest to the sun and too cold when they made their journey away from the sun. Their orbit is 13,000 years to one sun (ours) and 13,000 years back to the second sun, which is also their sun. We live in the same galaxy as them and we actually have a binary sun system and share it with them, however we never see the second sun as we only orbit our sun. So, during the 13,000 years as they leave their sun and come back to ours, it gets cold and when they arrive at the sun, it gets very hot. The only way for them to deal with this was to have a strong atmosphere around their planet which would hold in the temperatures properly.
There was really only one solution, besides the destruction of their own planet by blowing up its core in order to induce volcanic eruptions, and that was to find gold. They knew of our planet because they share the galaxy with us. We however forget about them because they only return every 13,000 years. Often upon their return, there is great pole shifts and many earth changes take place. We are entering the arrival time for them once again. The last time they arrived on Earth was during the fall of Atlantis.
The Annunaki found Earth way back in the day, around 450,000 years ago, and they took the humanoid species that was here and mixed the DNA with their DNA and created modern human. So we are basically a blend of a advanced primate with highly advanced aliens. Then they created the city of Sumer and had us mine gold somewhere near the Tigress and Euphrates river I believe. So we began to mine gold. From there, I am just beginning to study, but one thing I do know is the Nephilim spoken of in the Bible are the "fallen gods" they are the Annunaki who mated with humans. This is against universal law of God and so the Nephilim fell and were condemned somehow to live upon the Earth only to reawaken when the planet Nibiru returns, which like I said is soon. So when the giants walk the Earth, that means that Nibiru is very close.
Some say that the Annunaki hold influence over us even when they are gone, some say they still reside in the pyramids of Egypt and in the Mayan Temples of South America, its possible and most likely true. They have stashed a part of themselves here, their DNA and the Earth is a great investment for them as it is rich in Gold. We humans don't know this but the Earth underground is filled with veins of Gold which just grow like roots and flow like rivers. It is infinite and abundant. It is always there. There is so much gold underground that the Earth will never grow dry of Gold.
Moving on to the Reptilians. How the beginning of reptilians and the beginning of humans coincide, I am uncertain. I do know that the reptilians and humans were placed here around the same time. Whether that was before we were changed genetically by the Annunaki or not I am still uncertain. The reptilians lived here since inception of life on Earth. I know this. Humans and Reptilians were put on the planet around the time when Ancient Lemuria Began.
The Reptilians are spoken of in the ancient Aztec stories and myths. It was an honor to have one's head chopped off and fed to the reptilians in the caves. They were thought of as dragon/serpent Gods.
The reptilians at this point have become predominantly extremely dark. I am going to jump into this because, around 300,000 years ago, the reptilians had become so dark they it had sent a call of fear, darkness and terror out into the caverns of space and time. Through this call which was like a radio station, Earth called in the Alpha Draconians.
The reptilians were able to create this call through space time because they are an extremely intelligent group of beings who dwell inside of the earth. You wonder how do we not see them? Many people speak of them, but they are never seen. It is because they live in secret inside caves, caverns, tunnels and underground cities. The reptilians enjoy their existence down there inside of the Earth. They are actually a part of the natural eco system of earth. However reptilians had one thing built into their DNA and that was the desire for power and domination. Earth humans had built into their DNA the desire to live in Harmony and at unity and peace with one another. This led to a highly charged issue.
The reptilians are smart and realized they could terrorize from underground. They harvested human fear which is also called luge, like a crop. They would gather such large amounts of fear from the civilizations of humans that this put a broadcast. Once the Alph Draconians came from the star system of Draco inside of Orion, they worked together with the reptilians to create an even deeper and broader method of control. They created entire civilizations infiltrated with humans who worked for them in high levels of power and prestige and they basically created and led to the civilization we know now. They put into place the Great Depression of the 1930s for example, they put into place Hitler's position in Nazi Germany and they actually intended to go farther with it and put more people in the camps but the war ended. They put together every system of fear in our governments that our minds can possibly wrap our heads around and we as humans allowed it. We allowed it because we chose to live in fear and not to live in love.
This is going to happen on some level again because the Alpha Draconians who are the upper guys in the show, they run the reptilians of Earth, they are not going to give up. They want what they want and that is luge and total take over over the Earth and all humanity.
Yes it is a sad story here. If you want to you can follow Shawna l Francis on YouTube with me as she fulfills her destiny disclosing the deepest secrets of our reptilian history.
Moving on to the Greys and Pleiadians, I will post in the next blog. I will also add a bit more about the reptilians there. Thank you for reading!