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Clearing Demons and Other Negative Entities

Most of my life, I have been an empath, which means that I can feel the emotions of others. I even began to notice, that no matter what the distance, I could sense the person’s emotions. More recently, I think in relationship to the rise in use of technology, I have become extremely telepathic. This means, I can know what people are thinking and feeling at the same time. This

is a challenging stance because it puts me in a place of a lot of responsibility on so many levels.

However, when I learned about this, I was only empathic. We are ALL empathic and telepathic to varying degrees. It depends on the person’s ability to sense or even desire to sense these energies.

So, in living with all of this, Ive picked up some pretty awesome tools, enough to write into a book. I was always wanting to write a book called Spiritual Hygiene, so I am going to break it down for a blog as simple as I can.

1. Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael is the most powerful of all Angels. He is at the top of the hierarchy of them all and he has super powers to fight evil. If you sense that there are demons or negative spirits a lurking then call upon him.

However, in all of these tools, one must BELIEVE. WITHOUT BELIEF IT IS NOT POSSIBLE.

I once had demons attack me in a dream, I called on Jesus and they said “you don’t really believe” and they were right I did not. This meant that Jesus had no power in my dream to help or assist me.

Rule #1 is that one must Believe in the tools or beings they are calling upon. So call on whoever you believe can assist you. Whether it is Buddha, Christ, or a passed on loved one or a spirit guide. Archangel Michael is master of demons, however.

If you don’t believe angels are real, I will share a small story.

When I was younger, I used to go to these angel healing circles. I had never seen an angel or had any visions, they just felt really good. I lived at home alone with my grandma during a few years in my early twenties and I used to get really scared at night because I felt like it was just me and her with no protection. So one night I was particularly TERRIFIED and I kept calling on Archangel Michael repeatedly. I then saw a vision. Michaels hand was holding me inside of an encapsulated ball of light. I was lying in my bed and he was holding and protecting me. After this I knew he was real.

2. Call upon Christ or any other entity you believe in.

How do you know if demons are around you?

OK so, here are some secrets to all of this. You can PREVENT demons or negative spirits by never going out or around town in a bad mood or on any substance that is harsh and debilitating. One must be strong when going out in the world. The world is full of all energies. Before you leave the house, call for protection. Imagine light around you on your journey. Make this a habit. It adds magic to your day as well.

Before you pick up to answer a phone call do the same thing.

Any time you interact with anyone make sure you’re protected and in a good space.

If it so happens that you get angry or upset while you are out, then you do become exposed. Your aura is weakened and you tune to a lower radio station. This can allow demons. They will at first not seem so noticeable, but you’ll notice you don’t feel as good, you’ll notice that you are starting to feel tired or even more angry. This is the time to take note and call for the angels.

Another thing that can happen is that weaker demons who only have power in the astral realm will wait until you go to sleep at night. When you get into that state where they can affect you, they can give you nightmares and disrupt your sleep. Whenever there’s a spirit around me I know because I cannot sleep and I cannot pray as easily. They literally play on your negative emotions and make it harder to think positively.

Yes its totally wild, they have that kind of power.

Another thing that you can do is the most recent thing I have learned.

The Great Central Sun is the logos of our universe which means it is the ultimate giver of life and is at the top of the hierarchy of all the suns in our universe. We are one with the great central sun when we connect to the flame of love from this sun within our heart. The secret of god is that god is invisible. God does not want us to worship idols because god is the unseen. God is to be felt within every single one of us. God lives here in the sun, in the flame, in our heart. And we can rise this love into our third eye, pineal gland where we are one with the seven mighty creator beings from the Bible called the Elohim. The Elohim are the masters of creation and they live in the 7th dimension in their purest form as love. We can connect to them and then reach up to God and call down our I AM presence. This is the presence that when Jesus said I am the truth, the way and the life he was speaking of. This is our God Presence.

This force was gifted to every single one of us. This force was even gifted to Lucifer and the demons which is why they are so powerful, but they are only powerful when we vibrate lower than love and unity consciousness. They represent separation consciousness.

So when we call down our I Am presence, we can make a photonic body of light around our body which makes us impenetrable. Once you show the angels and masters that you care about humanity and care for people beyond yourself, they will walk with you. Pray for the nation, pray for the earth, pray for your family. Find anyone you can to find love for in your heart and when you begin to do this, you will walk with the masters. I was shown this in July. I think around that time, I had been attacked so much by darkness, even with the tools I had prior to this tool, that I needed this tool to make it through.

Now, I walk with the masters. One night a kid was going to ask me for money and I knew in my soul he was impolite and capable of doing anything bad to me. However the second I looked at him with my eyes, he felt something within me and he could not be disrespectful. He asked to wash my windows in exchange for money instead. I said no thank you but was amazed by the powers of light.

I was shown that when you walk with the masters, darkness can no longer touch you. It will either turn to light in your presence or it will revert back onto itself. This is why it is so important to choose light right now.

We are in an awakening process on Earth. EVERYTHING is changing and going to continue to change. Yes people will die, but it is ok. Some will live and some will die. Many different options will be given. Make sure you follow your heart, stand strong, and practice walking in your god given I AM presence, in love and honor for all.

Blessings to you, if you have any questions on how to prevent darkness in your life please ask me!

All my love.


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